1. Support
  2. Company Settings

Import Opportunities from Salesforce

Keep OneTeam up-to-date with your Salesforce pipeline

OneTeam allows you to automatically keep your pipeline opportunities in sync with Salesforce. This is especially useful when using Salesforce as your primary pipeline and using OneTeam to manage proposals.

This capability is currently in Private Preview. If you would like to have it enabled, please contact OneTeam Support.

In order to enable this feature, please follow these steps:

Configure Salesforce

  1. In Salesforce, click on the gear icon in the top right of the page and select Setup.
  2. Once in Setup, expand Apps under Platform Tools in the left panel and select App Manager.
  3. In toolbar on the right click New Connected App.
  4. Under Basic Information:
    • Set Connected App Name to 'OneTeam'
    • Set API Name to 'OneTeam'
    • Set Contact Email to 'support@oneteam.net'
  5. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings):
    • Check Enable OAuth Settings
    • Check Enable for Device Flow
    • Set Callback URL to 'https://app.oneteam.net/Import/SalesforceRedirect'
    • Uncheck Use digital signatures
    • Add 'Manage user data via APIs (api)' and 'Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)' to Selected OAuth Scopes
    • Uncheck Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
    • Check Require Secret for Web Server Flow
    • Uncheck Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
    • Uncheck all other checkboxes
  6. Click Save at the top of the form.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), click Manage Consumer Details
  9. Verify your identity
  10. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for use later.

Configure OneTeam Stage and Divisions

  1. While still in Salesforce Setup, expand Objects and Fields under Platform Tools in the left panel and select Object Manager.
  2. Select Opportunity from the Object Manager list.
  3. Click Fields & Relationships.
  4. Search for 'stage' in Quick Find and select Stage in the list.
  5. Scroll down to the section labeled Opportunity Stages Picklist Values and identify the Stage Names for use in OneTeam.
  6. In a new browser tab, go to Company Settings in OneTeam via the Account Menu in the top right of the page.
    Blue Company Settings
  7. Under the Capture tab, go to Stages.
  8. Update the Descriptions in OneTeam to reflect the Stage Names in Salesforce exactly.
  9. Click Save.
    Blue Save 

Connect to Salesforce in OneTeam

  1. While still in OneTeam Company Settings, go to the Services tab and select Salesforce.
  2. Enter in your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
  3. If you are using a custom domain in Salesforce, please enter in the portion of the URL that comes after https:// and before .lightning.force.com into the Custom Subdomain field. If you are not using a custom domain, leave the Custom Subdomain field blank.
  4. Set the Stage Filter. Opportunities will only be added to OneTeam if Stage is set to one of these values in Salesforce.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Salesforce login page that appears, enter your credentials and click Log In.
  7. Back in OneTeam, click Import Opportunities. Note: This action may take several minutes.