Ensure that you have captured all requirements in the solicitation
OneTeam's Proposal tab allows you to create a proposal outline and associate it to RFP requirements. The outline and requirements added here are used in generating Writer Packages.
Add Proposal Outline Headings
- Go to the Proposal tab for a designated opportunity.
- Select the Add Volume button on the left of the tab toolbar.
- Enter the name of your first volume and select the
Save button.
- Hover over the outline item and select the
Add Child button.
- Enter the name of your first major heading and select the
Save button. Numbering will be automatically applied. Note: If you want to customize the number format, please see Additional Proposal Settings below.
- Add additional major headings by hovering over the heading outline item and selecting the
Add Sibling button.
- Add subheadings to major headings by hovering over the outline item and selecting the
Add Child button.
- Continue adding headings until your outline has been fully populated.
Add Requirements to Outline Headings
- Select either Section L, M, C or Other from the tab toolbar.
- Select a heading from the Proposal Outline on the left of the Compliance Matrix tab (the selected item will have a blue outline).
- Click the Add Requirement button from the tab toolbar and fill out the ID and Heading fields.
- Copy and paste the Description field from the RFP.
- To add Required Terms that need to be included into your proposal, highlight the term in the Description and click 'Add Required Term'. The OneTeam Word Add-in will notify your proposal writers to include this term in the appropriate outline section (see Contribute to a Proposal through a Writer Package).
- Click Save or Save and Add New to add another requirement to the selected heading.
- Repeat steps 1-6 until you have associated all requirements mapped to their respective headings in the outline.
Additional Settings
- Select the Settings button in the tab toolbar.
- To make the outline and requirements available to subcontractors, check 'Allow Team Members to view Proposal tab'.
- To make the volume number visible on outline headings and subheadings, check 'Show Volume Prefix on Subheadings'.
- Use the dropdowns under Outline Settings to customize the heading numbering scheme.
- Select the Save button to update your changes.