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  2. Proposal Management

Create a Proposal Outline and Map RFP Requirements

Ensure that you have captured all requirements in the solicitation

OneTeam's Proposal tab allows you to create a proposal outline and associate it to RFP requirements. The outline and requirements added here are used in generating Writer Packages.

Add Proposal Outline Headings

  1. Go to the Proposal tab for a designated opportunity.
  2. Select the Add Volume button on the left of the tab toolbar.
  3. Enter the name of your first volume and select the Save button.00 add volume
  4. Hover over the outline item and select the Add Child button.00 add child
  5. Enter the name of your first major heading and select the Save button. Numbering will be automatically applied. Note: If you want to customize the number format, please see Additional Proposal Settings below.
  6. Add additional major headings by hovering over the heading outline item and selecting the Add Sibling button.
  7. Add subheadings to major headings by hovering over the outline item and selecting the Add Child button.
  8. Continue adding headings until your outline has been fully populated.

Add Requirements to Outline Headings

  1. Select either Section L, M, C or Other from the tab toolbar.00 Outline 3-1

  2. Select a heading from the Proposal Outline on the left of the Compliance Matrix tab (the selected item will have a blue outline).

  3. Click the Add Requirement button from the tab toolbar and fill out the ID and Heading fields.00 Outline 3

  4. Copy and paste the Description field from the RFP.
    00 Outline 4

  5. To add Required Terms that need to be included into your proposal, highlight the term in the Description and click 'Add Required Term'. The OneTeam Word Add-in will notify your proposal writers to include this term in the appropriate outline section (see Contribute to a Proposal through a Writer Package).
    00 a required term
  6. Click Save or Save and Add New to add another requirement to the selected heading.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 until you have associated all requirements mapped to their respective headings in the outline.

Additional Settings

  1. Select the Settings button in the tab toolbar.
  2. To make the outline and requirements available to subcontractors, check 'Allow Team Members to view Proposal tab'.
  3. To make the volume number visible on outline headings and subheadings, check 'Show Volume Prefix on Subheadings'.
  4. Use the dropdowns under Outline Settings to customize the heading numbering scheme.

  5. Select the Save button to update your changes.